Our Doctors

    Best Pakistani doctors available online, with American doctors accessible on demand.

    5 Years Experience
    Doctor Page


    Dr. Syeda Sidra Batool
    PMDC Verified

    General Surgeon

    Consultation Fee: Rs.1000.00

    Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S...

    5 Years Experience
    Doctor Page


    Dr. Iqra
    PMDC Verified


    Consultation Fee: Rs.1500.00

    Board Certified Dermatologist from
    College of Phy...

    6 Years Experience
    Doctor Page


    Dr. Quratullain Shakir
    PMDC Verified


    Consultation Fee: Rs.1200.00


    25 Years Experience
    Doctor Page


    Dr. Brian Lynch


    M.D. S.C. University Of La Salle School of Medicin...

    6 Years Experience
    Doctor Page


    Dr. Rabia Ajaz
    PMDC Verified

    Primary Care

    Consultation Fee: Rs.750.00

    College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan

    6 Years Experience
    Doctor Page


    Dr. Rama Siddiqui
    PMDC Verified

    Primary Care

    Consultation Fee: Rs.800.00

    Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery 2012- 20...


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