Community Healthcare Clinics - Labtests
Community Healthcare Clinics offers a wide range of lab tests and diagnostic services.
Prostatic Fluid C/S+Collection
Prostatic Fluid Culture & Sensitivity (C/S) is a diagnostic test used to detect and identify bacteria or other pathogens in the prostatic fluid. The test determines the causative agent of prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate) and assesses its sensitivity to antibiotics, guiding effective treatment.
Pus AFB Smear
A Pus AFB Smear is a diagnostic test used to detect acid-fast bacilli (AFB), such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, in a sample of pus. Pus is a thick fluid that is produced in response to infection and contains dead cells, bacteria, and tissue debris. When an infection is caused by mycobacteria, such as tuberculosis (TB), an AFB smear of the pus can help identify the presence of the bacteria.
RA Titre / Factor
The RA Titre or Rheumatoid Factor (RF) test is a blood test used to measure the presence and level of rheumatoid factor antibodies in the blood. Rheumatoid factor is an autoantibody, which means it is an antibody that targets the body’s own tissues instead of foreign invaders. Elevated levels of RF are commonly associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disorder that causes inflammation in the joints, as well as other autoimmune conditions.
RBC Folate
RBC Folate (Red Blood Cell Folate) is a blood test that measures the level of folate (vitamin B9) stored in red blood cells. Folate is a B-vitamin essential for DNA synthesis, cell division, and red blood cell production. It is especially important for pregnant women, as it supports fetal development and prevents neural tube defects.
RBS (Glucometer)
An RBS (Random Blood Sugar) test, commonly performed using a glucometer, measures the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood at any given time, regardless of when the person last ate. It helps in monitoring blood sugar levels for people with diabetes or those at risk of developing the condition. A glucometer is a portable device that uses a small blood sample, usually from a fingertip, to provide a quick reading of the glucose level, helping in the management of diabetes or other metabolic conditions.
RBS (Glucose Random)
RBS (Random Blood Sugar), also referred to as Random Glucose Test, is a blood test that measures the level of glucose (sugar) in your blood at a random point in time, regardless of when you last ate. This test is typically used to screen for diabetes or monitor blood sugar levels in people already diagnosed with the condition.
Reticulocyte Counts
The reticulocyte count test measures the number of reticulocytes (immature red blood cells) in a blood sample. Reticulocytes are the precursors to mature red blood cells (RBCs) and are produced in the bone marrow. The test helps assess bone marrow function and red blood cell production, and it is often used to evaluate the body's ability to produce new red blood cells in response to blood loss, anemia, or other medical conditions.
Second Opinion Histopathology
Second Opinion Histopathology refers to the practice of seeking an additional expert opinion or review of a histopathology report or tissue biopsy to confirm or reassess the diagnosis. Histopathology is the study of tissue samples under a microscope to identify diseases, including cancer. A second opinion in this context involves having another pathologist independently review the slides and clinical information to ensure accuracy in the diagnosis.
SGOT (Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase), also known as AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase), is an enzyme found primarily in the liver, heart, muscles, and kidneys. It plays a key role in amino acid metabolism, specifically in the conversion of aspartate and alpha-ketoglutarate to oxaloacetate and glutamate. AST is involved in the transfer of amino groups between different molecules in the body, which is vital for cellular energy production and protein synthesis.
SGPT (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate Transaminase), also known as ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase), is an enzyme primarily found in the liver. It plays a key role in metabolizing proteins by helping convert alanine (an amino acid) and alpha-ketoglutarate into pyruvate and glutamate. This reaction is essential for various metabolic processes, particularly in the liver.
Sickle Cell
Sickle cell refers to a genetic blood disorder known as sickle cell disease (SCD), where red blood cells (RBCs) have an abnormal shape. Instead of the usual round, flexible shape of normal RBCs, the cells become crescent-shaped or sickle-shaped, which causes a variety of health problems.
Skin Scrapping for Stain Fungal
The Skin Scraping for Stain (Fungal) test is a laboratory procedure used to diagnose fungal infections of the skin. A sample of the affected skin is scraped and stained to identify fungal elements like hyphae, spores, or yeast cells under a microscope.